Who I am


My name is Alessia, proud to be Sicilian.

I was born in 1983, and I embarked on a course of study that was totally different from what would be my path.

After graduating in education sciences, I do some work here and there in the communication field but with little conviction.

At the same time I cultivate my hobbies, such as creating handcrafted jewelery and photography.

I decide to publish some work on my fb page, I start to get appreciation, to sell my first objects.

I discover polymer clay.

From that moment a world opened up to me, I discovered that I had a passion that led me to create my first dolls.

I never stopped again. Lots of tests, some improvements, several sales all over the world.

A dream began to mature inside me which then became reality: I transformed my hobby, my passion, into my job.

I wake up and can't wait to start working. I am happy.

“Choose the job you love and you will never work a day in your life.”
